Wentworth Falls & Beyond

Another fantastic day today, if on the chilly side. Quite a raw wind at around 12000 feet above sea level ! The sun was shining though, so all was good and we started our walk at Wentworth Falls and were very pleasantly surprised. The Falls launch a plume of droplets over a 300m drop and it was

p1110323absolutely stunning, the sun was just right to capture the rainbows as the spray was blown into the air.

From here we went to a couple of lookouts and then on to the “Undercliff Overcliff” walk. Which as the name suggests was a walk first under the cliffs on a track cut out of the rock, and then over the cliffs which was right on the top.

Undercliff was probably the scariest as at some points there were no rails and the path was perilously near to the edge. As you can see…..p1110372not much between you and the 600 metre ( or there about. That’s about a 1900 ft) drop. Suddenly you find there has been a rock fall or more often than not, a tree fall, that’s taken out part of the safety rail.  It being extremely windy today we were constantly on the lookout for falling branches.p1110202



The scenery was amazing, the walking hard but rewarding; an amazing place.


Butterflies absolutely everywhere! Dive-bombing

This one I managed to capture off guard!
This one I managed to capture off guard!

us and playing hard to get. Nothing to write home about beauty wise, but they are all over the place.  What was one of the strangest things to get used to was seeing the cockatoos and other birds flying way, way below us in the valley.  It’s like seeing something out of Jurassic Park.


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