The RIB Experience

Had a great ride on the RIB boat. Super fast  and plenty of taking off over the waves as it was pretty windy. There were about 10 of us on the boat and only one got  seasick. …..not one of us I’m happy to say.p1120091

After our trip the wind really picked up and all the boat companies cancelled for the rest of the day. The whales weren’t playing ball with us today and despite the efforts of the crew as soon as one was spotted it disappeared.  Not easy to spot either as the swell was high so you could only spot on the rise of the wave. However, got a couple of shots off, so I’m  a happy bunny.

We walked around town for a while and had some lunch, then headed for the headland and walked up to the lighthouse to see if we could get some better views of the whales from high ground. They were very hard to spot as there were cresting waves everywhere.  But I managed to get a few video shots which I’ll upload  when I can. Be sure to check out “Videos” on the menu bar above.

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