Sydney Opera House +Bridge

Welcome to #jetlagsucks. Wide awake at 1 am this morning until around 5 when I managed to get another couple of hours. I woke up hungry too and munched my way through half a packet of biscuits before getting back to sleep!

However, walked that off today on our visit to Sydney Harbour Bridge  and the opera house. Wow, really can’t believe we are actually here. We walked through the old part of the city, passed quite a few colonial style buildings and through the beautiful botanical gardens before reaching the opera house in all its splendour. Around the dock area we found a Guylian cafe and had a capacino and a mocha, and 20161006_110330tempted20161006_110317 by the menu I had a platter of fresh fruit with a belgian chocolate dip while Richard tucked in to a smoked salmon bagette.  Yummy yum.  We headed for the bridge and took a walk across that too. Great views and plenty of joggers. Seems to be a popular route for them. Can’t say I would be in a hurry to do it in the heat of today. I only walked and was melting at the end. We stopped off at a small bar for a beer and a chance to dry out in the shade, Then walked back over the bridge with an ice cream. As you do.

And that was it. Halfway across and the dreaded jetlag reared it’s ugly head again. I was done in. We took a very slow walk back to the apartment where I had no option but to crash. Even though I needed desperately to sleep, I’m not entirely sure it’s such a good thing to do as it takes so long to recover afterwards.  But, we had a great day and that’s all that matters. Tomorrow  we are going to take the ferry to Watson Bay, so an early start.

More pictures to follow soon…….

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