Port MacQuarie, Koalas & Whales

O…M….G!!  Hit the jackpot today.  Got a text message from our hosts upstairs to say that they’d seen a pod of whales just off the headland by the lighthouse.  We got ready as soon as we could and took the short walk, about 6 minutes, to the headland.  The coast was stunning enough, but, quickly we got our eye in and started spotting blowhole spouts, then glimpses of whale backs as they rose majestically out of the water.  Before long, we saw them breaching, tail flapping and playing with their babies.  It took my breath away.  We’ve travelled miles to see whales in the wild.  We didn’t get to see any in South Africa, but Australia has been our friend this time.


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After watching for around an hour, we had to drag ourselves away as we had to do some shopping, but vowed to get on a boat as soon as we could to get closer to these magnificent beasts.  I’m currently trying to edit a video of the whales. I will upload it here tomorrow.  Shopping ( found a 5 ltr box of wine for $13! (£8.13)), lunch, out to book the boat. 9.30am tomorrow on a super fast rib boat.  What to do next…..koalas!

There’s a koala hospital near to where we are staying and they have tours once a day at 3pm. So, off we went.  Bless ’em.  They have all been rescued from various trauma from bush fires, road accidents to attacks by dogs and illness.  The best part is, the ones they can help they get them fit and release them back to where they came from, the ones that survive but are unable to survive in the wild they keep in fantastic surroundings safe from harm.  We were only allowed to see the ones that they keep as the others are kept away from human contact so they can be rehabilitated quicker.  It must be so hard not to give them a cuddle!  Funny thing was, when we got back to our studio, our hosts called us up to their garden, as they had a koala in their tree!  From ones in rescue to ones in the true wilderness.  Fab.

This is the wild one in the garden….









And these are from the hospital….

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Nooooo, you can’t see me!




It's all too much....
It’s all too much….

And these are some photos of the beautiful beach we have on our doorstep…oh, and the little critter we saw on the way to the beach. Although he/she wasn’t that little. Body must have been as thick as my wrist.

p1110776  Saw this critter on the way down to the beach this morning

Click on an image to see the gallery:

The sun has gone to bed, so we sit chilling and thinking about the fantastic day we’ve had today and hoping the weather stays fair for the whale watching tomorrow.








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