
One more sleep!

Goodness, one more sleep to go.  My stomach is churning!  I don’t know whether it’s nerves about the flight or just shear excitement.  Probably a combination of both.  Well, we are all set, bags all packed, tickets and passports etc.  all that is left is online check in and picking seats.  We’ve opted for the middle row where there’s either three or four seats depending on the aircraft.  That way we won’t disturb anyone getting in and out and they won’t disturb us.

My brain is in disarray at the moment so it’s a good job there’s nothing major to do.  I’m off to have my holiday nails done shortly ( a girl has to look her best!), then will have to look for something to do as I can’t do nothing!  Catch you all later……………..

Later: Pamper session over. It was great to catch up with Emma again and my nails are all ready for holiday time!  😆

Holiday Nails
Holiday Nails

Now, the waiting game.  What to do to fill in time before the one last sleep….well technically it’s two sleeps as we will be in a hotel, but one sleep until we set off.  Some last minute flute practice….music is always good to calm the nerves.  I shall miss it while I’m away.  I could take my old one with me but it’s extra weight and I’ll probably get thrown off the plane if I start ‘entertaining’ the passengers!  Lydia, you’ll be pleased to know that ‘Austrian Allure‘ is coming along nicely and the other two pieces are almost there.  I hope I can still play them when I get back!  Well, ramblings over, I’ll update you all when we reach the hotel tomorrow.

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