Norfolk to Heathrow

So, no problems on the various trains we caught today. All on time, even the bus at the end of the journey. A very big thank you to the Boundsies for getting up early on a Sunday morning,  missing church,  and driving us to the station. Very much appreciated. We got to the hotel around quarter to 3, so that’s just over 4 hours for the complete journey. not bad at all. The room is great, air conditioning and all that we need.However they are doing  refurbishments in the lobby and it was really difficult to hear what the receptionist was saying. We were very thirsty and very hungry. The restaurant was open for lunch but was only serving a 3 course Italian. Which would have been fine but we’d booked dinner for 6 so only wanted a snack. Room service was available but £7 for a cheese sandwich was a bit steep so we decided to go native and see what we could find outside. If anyone is planning to stay at the Heathrow Hotel Bath Road the next time you have call to visit heathrow, if you turn tight outside and walk about half a mile or less, you will come across the most magnificent cafe/kebab establishment ever! As we only wanted something ‘small’, we decided on a grilled chicken wrap and a can of coke. Well, no picture taken, but take it from me we couldn’t get through it. In fact one would have done between the two of us and it tasted amazing.

Dinner at 6 mentally cancelled, we visited the shop next door and bought some wine (well…..It has to be done) and some beer, and a salad and other goodies. Now sitting chilling in the room with a glass of beverage. Oh, and I’ve discovered that I’ve left my charger at home! I could have sworn I’d put it in my rucksack .All is not lost and sadly this is not the first and last blog you will receive. ….I will buy one at the airport tomorrow! Take care peeps. I’ll be in touch again real soon.

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