Noosa National Park, Alternative Route. …

Nice and sunny this morning after the rain yesterday and overnight. Had a nice leisurely breakfast and decided to wash some smalls in the washing machine located under the porch………except, it turned out to be a tumble drier! Plan B…….as has been the case for most of the holiday with 2 exceptions………..wash them the traditional way, by hand. Hung them out and they were almost dry before we left for Noosa. It was 24 C before 9 this morning.

img_20161102_103940Off we set for the National Park where there are some lovely walks and exceptional lookout points I’m told. We made for the main, and only, carpark that was the set off point for all of the walks. To get there  we had to drive through the town of Noosa.  BUSY ALERT!! The place was heaving, and I do mean heaving, all the cafe’s , the shops, the parking spaces ,  all full, and there was only 2 hour parking allowed too. We trundled through the town and out to Noosa Heads for the main event. BUSY ALERT!! Yup, a double whammy. I think the whole of Australia and it’s dog had decided to descend on the place at the same time. Not a whiff of a parking place and a queue for them too. Somewhat perplexed as we’d never encountered this before  we drove back through the town to regroup our thoughts.

We found a place to stop and Richard looked at our ‘not so detailed as to know where you’re going‘ map. Eventually we found out where we were…….approximately, and worked out that ‘perhaps’ we could get onto one of the footpaths from Sunshine Beach. Now to find Sunshine Beach. We managed, thankfully, and made our way to the rocks at the end where we hoped we could pick up the trail. As usual, the beach was pretty empty, very long and quite beautiful.  In the distance we managed to pick out the beginning /end of the track we wanted.

Some of the steps


By now it was very hot indeed and we wondered just how much ground we could cover seeing as we didn’t have a great supply of water .  To do the whole thing would take 8hrs! Richard also spotted the way we had to go……up……straight up, many, many steps. Ooooh steps. I like steps .  NOT. However, I did not come all this way not to do what we had planned, so upwards and onward it was.


A closer view
And yet MORE steps









At the top there was a great view; and a nice breeze to cool us a little.






We wound our way through the bush,  some shady parts, some just scrub. The path was mostly sand, very hot sand.




p1130858However, our wanderings brought us to Alexander Bay, a nice beach where it seemed the lifeguards were having a bit of a practice. At points, they were in danger of having to be rescued themselves as they were nearly washed from the rocks on which they were standing.

We stood for quite a while watching various ones nearly getting dashed to death on the rocks. 😨

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Then it was time to move on once more. Richard had found us a route that took us back to the car; provided we didn’t get lost in the bush. No sign posts.

p1130891 p1130887 p1130883Found some fascinating things along the way. Apart from flowers and the usual hanging vines. A spider !  Very pretty, sitting on its Web,  and some bright red resin oozing from a tree, only when you touched it, it was more like crystals. The ants seemed to like it anyway.

True to form, the path led us . ………in the right direction, Ha 😂  so, into the car, into the town and into the bar for a well earned cool beer and some super lovely swordfish and chips. Just the ticket. We also learned from the excellent barmaid why the town was so busy. There had been a huge triathlon event the day before, so people were still hanging around.

You might have noticed the notice, on the gate, as we arrived. Seems to be a theme,  as we got another one today. LOL.



‘Home’ again now, had another swim to  freshen up and now putting the feet up writing this. Another BBQ tonight. Lamb this time .  The steaks last night were superb.

By the way, this is the storm that hit us yesterday and caused our soakings Storm Hits Coolum

So what’s on for tomorrow ?

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