picture of case

More Than You Think

picture of case


So, packing.  20Kg limit for hold luggage.  What??? We are going away for a month! However, by the time you sort yourself out, rationalise everything and make sure you pack what you NEED rather than, “Oh I might wear this” or ” what if I need that and I don’t take it”.  20Kg actually works out to be quite a lot.  I’ve packed three pairs of shorts, x amount of underwear, 7 vest tops, two blouses and a shirt, a dress, a skirt, a waterproof coat, a puffer jacket with a hood (for the mountains and when we get back to Blighty), shoes, socks, toiletries, a long sleeve top..+ a few more bits    … and it still only comes to 9Kg!  Still plenty of room should I decide I really can’t live for a month without anything.


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Hand luggage has a 7Kg limit and my rucksack with all my camera gear; that’s camera body, three lenses, battery charger, spare battery, a small tripod, plus all the memory cards,  a gopro action camera and all its peripherals, a tablet for viewing pics and blogging plus all its peripherals, oh, and all the bits I’m likely to need on the airplane including a scarf/shawl as they tend to get a bit chilly at times, wetwipes, gel cleanser etc..  All that only comes to just under 5Kg.  So, when you really get to think about it, your weight limits allow you more than you think……panic over.

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