Made it to Port Macquarie

285 miles and two stops. A long drive, but all was good. It took around 7 and a half hours all told including lunch stop etc. Doing roughly 62 miles an hour on average. Saw my first wild kangaroo! Guess he must have been real wild as he was lying dead on the central reservation of the Pacific Highway! Poor thing. Loads of hefty trucks and it seemed like everyone was headed out for the weekend with their RVS and trailers with roof tents. Some brilliant trailers out there today.

We were met at Port Macquari by our host  who had been out kyaking nearly all day. She told us the whales have been around on lighthouse point and there’s  been a koala in their garden for the last  2 days. Can’t  wait to see any of the above! Not tonight though, am totally bushed from the drive. Our host told us of all the great things to do here and also gave us a cold beer. Spot on. Looks like we have a lot to fit in our three days here,  including a visit to the koala hospital.  That’s  a must!

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