Echo Point, The 3 Sisters & Leura Cascade

What a fabulous day! So many beautiful sights it’s all too much to take in. We took a walk to Echo Point and saw our first real glimpse of the Blue Mountains. So called, because the bluey haze you can see in the picture, is in fact produced by a fine mist of oil exuded by the huge eucalyptus trees.

The Blue Mountains
The Blue Mountains

As we got further into the thick of things you could actually smell it too. We’d packed our coats as the weather didn’t look too good. It was windy and quite chilly when we set out. We needn’t have bothered. In about 5 minutes of leaving the cottage, the sun came out and the temperature soared. It was still windy but by the end of the day we were melting. It’s a good job that most of the time you are under the shade of the trees. I think I got a bit paranoid at one point about being in the bush at over 3000ft in the air.1 As I was walking along, I glanced down at my feet, as you do, and could swear I nearly stepped on a lizard. But no, on regaining my balance and looking again, it turned out to be……..a simple curly leaf! 😕

I really can’t explain what we saw today. I haven’t got the vocabluary and the photos really don’t do the place justice. We’ve seen things on a scale we will probably never see again and the beauty of nature in all it’s glory. Enjoy a taste of what we saw in the photos. We took plenty, and some videos, and when I get some good wifi I’ll upload more for you.

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