Byron Bay & Comments

After staying up till 2am this morning 😴😴 I  think ( I very much hope!) That I’ve fixed the comments section of the blog. It’s completely  new but do try it out and see what happens.  Fingers crossed while you do it please!!

Also, if it still doesn’t work. Please email me at

and let me know what messages you are getting and I will endeavour to fix it……but hope I won’t have to. Many thanks and I hope you are all enjoying the adventures with us. Not too boring I hope, some nights I’m so tired out my brain switches off. 😀😀😀😀

ld-log_map_2016-10-18_16-55-33We arrived safely in Byron Bay around 4pm our time (10 hrs difference in front of you) a trip of approximately  215 miles. Took a little longer than it would in the UK as the speed limit at best is around 60 mph but we had masses of roadworks the whole way, so our average speed was …..guess?…….29mph!!!😨😨😨😨😨😨😨 Yup took us 7 hrs and a bit all told, with a stopover at Coffs Harbour for lunch. 14695366_10210541612517565_8754410380058550523_n


Which was fab by the way. We found a tiny place tucked away  on the jetty. They had the strongest coffee ever, I needed that badly,  and my chicken salad wrap contained salad grown in their tiny garden and homemade  mayonnaise.  Yummy.

Anyway, now safely stowed in our Swedish  style studio, which smells divine.  I haven’t  worked out what it is yet but it’s lovely. You’ll have to take my word for it as technology won’t allow me to sample it and put it on the blog….well….not yet anyway. We have glass everywhere and our own little garden equipped with cosy chairs and two bikes!  Should we wish to use them. Our host, again, has been great and very welcoming. I can definitely recommend  AirBnB They operate all over the world and our experience  has been fantastic.

Not long now Ron & Joy, and Christine  and Co…….and we’ll  be able to have a long overdue hug. 💜💜💜💜 Purple ones for Joy. 😃😃

Stay tuned. X

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