Byron Bay

What a fabulous place! Very together, bit hippy (I like that ), well organised for that beach holiday. Fresh from a good night’s sleep, probably helped by the beer called FRED p1120334we had last night at the Roadhouse Café and the fantastic, alternative, Mexican food;





we took a slow stroll along the beach watching for whales.  We saw a few, but very much in the distance and not good to photograph,  what we did see though was dolphins!


Too many to count, and really close to the beach, they were surfing the waves. Spectacular sight. They all grouped together, lined up and shot the waves all as one. It looked like they were all flying towards you, and then a couple would jump in the air. It fair took my breath away. And they wouldn’t just do this once, they swam as a group up and down the beach as if searching for the best waves. At one point competing with the human surfers too.

It’s a sight I’ll never forget.p1120564 I took more video  than photos as you can never capture it all. So I’ll upload as soon as I can. (See below)

p1120533p1120566I don’t know how long we stayed on the beach watching them, but apparently it was long enough for me to burn the back of my legs, and a few other parts! First time that’s happened. I’ve been using a ‘put it on once’ factor 40, and it’s never let me down…..until now. Don’t underestimate the power of the sun, especially here! It is intense believe me. Searing heat like daggers on your skin. However, I’ll cover up today and hopefully by tomorrow  it will have turned brown instead of lobster!😂

We walked through the nature reserve into the town and stopped for lunch at a beach hotel.r01_wp0009_2016-10-19_13-33-27

My, what a lunch! Chicken palma, chips and coleslaw. …I couldn’t get through mine. Of course we had to have a beer to wash it down, and keep us cool.r01_wp0009_2016-10-19_13-17-57

After that we took a slow walk back to the apartment. We’d had a great day and now it was time to chill and plan for tomorrow.


More pictures to follow soon.


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