Bustard Point, 1770 and Cpt. James Cook

An earlier than usual start today to get some walking in before it gets too hot. We took off up to Bustard Point from where we traversed  a few paths to lookout  points.

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wp-1477539340180.jpgWe then took the longer path, locally called the butterfly walk, up to James Cook’s monument. This is the place where in 1770 the famous Lieutenant at that time, crossed the seas and landed in Australia for the second time .  Hence, 1770 bay got its name. A beautiful walk full of butterflies funnily enough !  Mostly  white and black but some  had a beautiful blue tip to their wings  and some were brown  with other colourings. To be honest none of them would keep still long enough either to view them or to take pictures.images

They  fluttered all around us,  dive bombing us, almost flying into your face. Take a photo…..no chance! I found this image on the net, the other ones we saw I haven’t been able to find yet. I’ll  keep looking, but not tonight  as I have to be up at 3am ready for our trip out to the reef tomorrow .




One important thing to mention….I had my didgeridoo lesson this arvo! Yes, I know I’m playing a cardboard tube! But that was for practice .  I did have a go on the real one. And YES, I could play it! Much to my surprise and to Mac, who said most people don’t get it. 😀 So, if you need a lesson…….see me after school!

Just a short one today, as it’s now time to try and get some sleep.  All packed and ready for the reef in the morning !  Wooohooo !

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