Arrived Hong Kong

Hi, just arrived at Hong Kong local time 12.30pm, our time 5.30 in the morning! Woken up at 2am for breakfast on the plane. Boy, I’d forgotten just how uncomfortable those seats are when you’re trying to sleep. The flight was good not too much turbulence and passed quicker than I thought. Food was nothing to write home about. I opted for  low fat meals which seemed to consist  of fruit and more fruit, and spinach and bacon for breakfast.  Not a combination  I’ve experienced before, not one to be repeated. The bacon  was quite fatty too considering it was a low fat meal. The ordinary meals would have been better. Richard had some low fat yogurt……so where was mine? I nicked his anyway and swapped it for my bread roll which I can’t eat.  Entertainment in flight was great, plenty of choice of films,music,audio books. They also had an outside camera on the underside of the plane that you could sit and watch. A bit boring mid flight but landing and take off were great  😃

Hong Kong airport is lovely, clean, uncrowded and plenty of free wifi access and charging points. 30 degrees here by the way. Technology is everywhere,  even the menus outside the restaurants are touchscreen. We’ve  been directed from the plane straight through security once again and into the transit  area.  Now we have to wait until 6.50 pm local time before we are off to Sydney.

Coffee. Don't know why I'm pulling a face!
Coffee. Don’t know why I’m pulling a face!

We’ve had a little wander round but the need for coffee overwhelmed me so we are enjoying a huge mug of it before having another look round.  There are all sorts of shops here, even street food,  all tucked away in every nook and cranny.

Oh and as an aside; the wayward charger  that I “forgot” to pack, has appeared. I  KNEW I’d packed it! I put it in with the action cam which was in Richards rucksack. No wonder I couldn’t  find it in mine.

Have another coffee…, wait a minute, it’s 13 minutes past one here. Beer o’clock. Let’s have a beer! Well, we have to adjust our body clocks some how don’t we?




More beer......
More beer….


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